Saturday, 9 July 2016


   The orgin of tensis lies in the monastic  in 12th-century France,where the ball was struck with the palm of the hand in a game called Paume .Rackets were introduced to the game in the early 16th century.This original version of tennis, now called "real tennis ", was mostly played indoors and popular among the royalty and gentry, while a crude outdoor version called longue paume was played by the populace. The  of the game declined in the 17th and 18th centuries, although there are sporadic mentions of a "long tennis" or "field tennis" version in the second half of the 18th century.
    Between 1858 and 1873 several people in.Victoria England experimented with a lawn version of tennis.Major harry gem perriora demonstrated their game of Pelota (Spanish for ball) and in 1872 created the world's first lawn tennis club at leamington apa.In February 1874 mc wingfieldintroduced his version of lawn tennis, called Sphairisiki  on his patent application,he described it as a "New and Improved Court for Playing the Ancient Game of Tennis", and its rules were published in an eight-page booklet.Wingfield is widely credited with popularising the new game through his energetic promotional efforts.The Sphairistikè court was hourglass-shaped, wider at the baseline than at the net. The service was made from a single side in a lozengel shaped box situated in the middle of the court and it had to bounce beyond the service line.In November 1874 Wingfield published a second, expanded edition of The Book of the Game, which had 12 rules and featured a larger court and a slightly lower net.

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