The Iron Python project for running Python on .net comes after a long struggling of its stagnant development. It's getting a new lease with new batch of team leaders and a Python 3 upgrade.Development on Iron Python, a Python implementation that runs on the .net framework 's Common language runtime (CRL) is getting a shot in the arm.Iron Python written in C it's not just meant to run Python programs it provides Python programmers with a bridge to existing .net applications and objects.The most notable one is those objects can be company handled with the same syntax and idioms as native Python objects.It's to be accepted that Iron Python has slowed down over the past couple of years. The last major release was for 2.7.5 at the tail of 2014. Python 3 wasn't supported by Iron Python since Python 2 will no longer be supported as 2020, as it is established. Some of the major issues were discussed in the meeting such as code complex, what kind of release schedule and what kind of road map to devise for Iron Python 3. The main complexity was how to implement Python libraries that uses C extension like Numpy uses C extension for speed and they should ideally work as in Iron Python without recompiling.Ironclad a project that allow compiled C python extension to work in Iron Python . It has several issues hoped to sorted out. Further Iron Python development may provide a fast,multi core friendly Python runtime. Iron Python doesn't have a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) a feature that's blamed for being a high barrier to high performance. It's said that Iron Python has GIL doesn't automatically makes faster some Iron Python bench marks are better than CPython but the others are worst. For now bringing Iron Python upto the speed with the current branches of Python 2 and 3 alike ought to be mission enough.

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