Thursday, 15 September 2016

COMING VERY SOON TO TWITTER : " longer tweets"

Twitter is making good on its promise to give users more room in tweets.

The verge reports that , Twitter will stop counting ancillary items , including photos , GIFs , user handling and more.The site could not confirm whether all the features will be launched simultaneously or rolled off in parts.

The changes are summarized below :

@handles at the beginning of messages won't count towards the 140-character limit , but they will count if mentioned in the middle or end of the tweet.

@replies : Furthermore, user will no longer have to add a character at the beginning of a tweet so that a reply is seen by a person's followers.Twitter will soon include all replies in the follower's timeline.

@media attachment : Photos , GIFs , videos , polls , and quoted tweets won't count towards 140-characters . Links , however will count towards the limit , contrary to a report from Bloomberg last week.

@Re-tweet yourself : Since tweets can easily get lost , Twitter will let users to retweet or quote themselves , to resurface their tweets at a later time.

The photos or links which counts as , 23 and 24 characters respectively will free up more space for conversation.

By letting the elements stand separate from the140-character limit , people may be encouraged to include them more often , upping overall engagement.

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