Monday, 1 August 2016

Wi-fi is only for Educational purpose:anna university

  Classes for first year students in engineering colleges set to begin on Monday, Anna University has asked the first year students to use the wi-fi facility available on the university campus for academic purposes.When asked whether the use of social media is banned on campus, Anna University registrar S. Ganesan said, We only the asked the students to use the internet facility for education purposes. We advised students to use ICT technologies for academic purposes like downloading books and reading online journals instead of wasting time on social media, he said. P. Narayanasamy, Dean , College of Engineering, Guindy said, We used to share the information about the events in WhatsApp. There is no ban on the use of social media at the campus.
The University has also asked the students switch off their phones while attending the classes. On anti-ragging measures, he said, All preparatory works have been done for reopening of our colleges. Senior faculty members including lady staff will be watching students at the bus stand, canteen and hostel.To prevent any ragging incidents at CEG campus hostels the authorities have deputed the teams to do the rounds until midnight. The anti-ragging van which will be used for campaign and surprise visits is also made available at the campus.

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