Pokemon go is a free play to play Augmented reality mobile game. It's developed by Niantic for iOS and Android devices. This game was released in US and Australia at July 6 th. The game allows players to capture,battle and train and trade virtual Pokemon that appears through real world. Though the game is free to play but supports in app purchase. An optional wearable device is to be released in future that's used along the game Pokemon Go plus. That device use Bluetooth connection to indicate the nearby Pokemon through a LED display and light vibration. After logging into the app the user first creates an avatar by choosing it's hair,skin tone etc from number of outfits recommended. After creating the avatar it will display at players current location with the map of their surroundings. There are some features such as Parks,memorial and so on. Players have to walk around to move their avatar. There are various Pokemon at various places. When a player encounters a Pokemon either it can be visualize in AR mode mode or pre tended mode. It uses camera and gyroscope. Players can take pictures using in game camera of Pokemon with or without the use of activation of AR mode. It's not usual like catching a wild Pokemon but it's based on where the player throws a poke ball with right force and right time with right energy. After capturing the Pokemon player is awarded with candies and stardust. Both used to raise the Pokemon Combat Power. Moreover candies are efficient to evolve a Pokemon. Players earn an experience in game actions. As they earn it player will raise a level high. It also has some features called Pokemon Gym in which the player who is not at all the owner of the gym can challenge the owner of the gym and lower the status to zero and become the owner of the Gym. Pokemon Go plus is a Bluetooth low energy wearable device that allows user to walk without looking at smart device. When Pokemon is near the plus vibrates the player can then press to capture.But the player cannot check whether they have captured unless they are connected to a mobile or tablet. It's set for release sometime in July 2016. Within a short period of release Pokemon Go tops the App store's"Top Grossing" and Free charts. Nintendo share price is rising by an initial by 10% and by today (July 11) shares had risen to as high as 23%. It also going to come up with advance features such as capture gym and buy in game accessories and soon the player will be seeing a deeper game play and ability to trade their Pokemon said John Hanke ( CEO of game developer studio Niantic). Additionally it will be more ways to play with Pokestops and Gyms and a good leadership board . There will be several improvements in game's Augmented Reality technology too. But the game has been launched in US, Australia and New Zealand only but the users in other countries have been able to get the game by side loading APK files as well.There is a side of controversy that the players (multiple people) also suffered minor from falling while playing the game due to being distracted and teenagers are more attracted to it.

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