Sunday, 26 June 2016

The next version of bluetooth

The next version of Bluetooth is launched recently I.e this month June 16. The next version of Bluetooth named Bluetooth 5. The current version of Bluetooth named Bluetooth 4.2. The executive director MARK POWELL confirmed that the next version called bluetooth 5, will be more powerful than the existing version 4.2. Bluetooth 5 claims to have double the range of existing version. While the maximum range depends more on the device, Bluetooth 4.2devices should ideally offer a minimum of 200 feet. Powell has announced that the upcoming Bluetooth 5 will offer a range that's double of this, thus bringing the new version closer to the range offered by wifi Direct. Earlier Bluetooth versions are no match for the speeds offered by wifi direct. Wifi direct promises speeds of up to 250 Mbps, as opposed to Bluetooth 4,2's 25Mbps. Bluetooth 5 promises to have more than four times the speed of the current 4.2 version. Bluetooth 5 will be offer new functionalities for connectionless services. Bluetooth 5 version need new hardware. This means that new Bluetooth 5enabled devices might appear later this year or early next year.

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