Indian space research organisation has been successfull in placing INSAT 3DR in into the intended orbit. GSLV-F05 places it's advanced weather satellite INSAT 3DR. Hereafter it will start providing the variety of meteorological services to the country. Exactly at 4:50 pm the weather satellite is lifted from Sriharikota. At 4:54 pm it's successfully launched. After 14 minutes from launch its injected into its orbit. Actually the rocket launch has been delayed for 40 minutes after issues crept in over the filling of propellents for the cryogenic engine that took actually two decades to develop. Cryogenic engines are special rocket engine which make use of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen as a fuel. The extreme cold temperature of these make them tricky to operate. The success of Geo synchronous satellite launch vehicle (GSLV) is crucial for India since it will be vehicle to launch the nation's second moon mission Chandrayaan 2 by next year.

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