Juno has sent the high resolution images of the Jupiter's north pole with the information. As we all aware of the planet's South Pole but yet the North Pole has been always a mysterious one. This is to set change with the arrival of Jupiter probe Juno which completed its first flyby of the north pole on Aug27 and the mission has already started. Juno started capturing the images using Junocam from 4,200 km above the planet's cloud while it's travelling from North to South results 6MB of the data took NASA a day and half to download.Juno principle investigator Scott Bolton said Jupiter's north pole is just looking something unimaginable. Saturn has hexagon at North Pole. There is nothing on Jupiter that anywhere resembles that. It's completely unique. Still they have 36 more flybys to study just how its unique. The north pole is almost similar to South Pole it's more blue in colour and tempestuous and clouds are much higher in altitude.The Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper captured some stunning images of the planet's southern polar Aurora, allowing researchers to see the process for the first time. The Radio/plasma wave experiment captured Auroral emissions and translated to spooky sounds. The Juno mission is scheduled to completed another 35 such flybys before it's done.

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