Sunday, 21 August 2016

Mark zuckerberg donated $95 million

Social media giant Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg donates Facebook shares worth $95 million.F Facebook currently has 1.71 billion monthly active users. In order to fulfill the pledge that he and his wife made the previous year. According to the US regulatory, the Chan Zuckerberg foundation and CZI Holdings LLC sold Facebook share worth $95 million before taxes. The couple plans to give away no more than $1 billion worth of stock each year.Last year the couple pledged to donate 99% of their Facebook shares of about $45 billion to advance human potential and promote the equality of children.The couple added that they have created a new foundation which will focus on personalised learning, curing disease and connecting people and building a strong community. The couple said that they will give 99% percent of their shares during their lives to advance this mission. Though it's a small contribution when compared to all resources and talents who is already working in these issues. But they wish to be a part among them.

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